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PREMIK, skladba za glas, violino in telo
GT22, Intimni oder, Maribor (Slovenia), 03/06/2022
Few months after my wife Špela Huzjak performed work in progress of her debut solo performance, it was finally time for the premiere! :)
Pandora TV - Pandorina skrinjica 2022
Narodni dom Maribor, Dvorana generala Maistra, Maribor (Slovenia), 21/05/2022
![Pandora TV - Pandorina skrinjica 2022 @ Narodni dom Maribor, Dvorana generala Maistra, Maribor (Slovenia), 21/05/2022 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>](/f/pics/events/huzjak-20220521-Pandora_TV_g-312-photoSasaHuzjak_m.jpg)
Pandora TV - Pandorina skrinjica 2022 @ Narodni dom Maribor, Dvorana generala Maistra, Maribor (Slovenia), 21/05/2022
I’m always flabbergasted by the easiness and grace dancers perform their acts, maybe even more when it comes to the pole dancers. Simply amazing! :)
Valjak i prijatelji: Dovoljno je reći… Aki
Arena Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia), 26/03/2022
Memoriam to Aki and his career, with different singers performing with Parni Valjak. Aki Rahimovski is irreplaceable, but his colleagues did a great job paying respect to his legacy and helped fans to once again hear and enjoy all those favourite songs live.
Plesni utripi 1&2
Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/03 > 23/03/2022
"Plesni utripi" featured dance schools and groups from Maribor region and it was divided into two nights - some amazing performances there, I really enjoyed it photographing!
37. Zimska plesna šola / 37th Winter dance school
Zimska plesna šola / Winter dance school, Maribor (Slovenia), 25/02 > 28/02/2022
![Contemporary ballet II – Tina (Martina) Dobaj @ Zimska plesna šola / Winter dance school, Maribor (Slovenia), 25/02 > 28/02/2022 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>](/f/pics/events/huzjak-20220225-37-zimska-plesna-sola-739_photoSasaHuzjak_m.jpg)
Contemporary ballet II – Tina (Martina) Dobaj @ Zimska plesna šola / Winter dance school, Maribor (Slovenia), 25/02 > 28/02/2022
My 8th Winter dance school in a row, but this time in a way different.
Premik - skladba za glas, violino in telo (delo v nastajanju)
GT22, Intimni oder, Maribor (Slovenia), 23/11/2021
![Premik - skladba za glas, violino in telo (delo v nastajanju) @ GT22, Intimni oder, Maribor (Slovenia), 23/11/2021 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>](/f/pics/events/huzjak-20211123-Premik-delo_v_nastajanju-166-photoSasaHuzjak_m.jpg)
Premik - skladba za glas, violino in telo (delo v nastajanju) @ GT22, Intimni oder, Maribor (Slovenia), 23/11/2021
Few days ago my wife Špela Huzjak performed her debut solo contemporary dance / music / theatre performance titled "Premik - skladba za glas, violino in telo (delo v nastajanju)" - "Movement - composition for voice, violin and body (work in progress)".
Fest Jazza Koprivnica 2021
Fest Jazza, Koprivnica (Croatia), 09/07 > 10/07/2021
Not my first time at this very lovely jazz festival in Koprivnica, Croatia, my birth town and the town in which I’ve spend my last few years before moving to Slovenia, but the first time as their festivals official photographer :)
Kup kuncev (400 rabbits)
Odprta plesna scena, Maribor (Slovenia), 24/06/2021
30. Odprta plesna scena (30th Open Dance Scene)
Third and the last day of the annual 30. Odprta plesna scena (30th Open dance scene) festival brought the dynamic duo of Marina Abib and Beno Novak with their performance "Kup kuncev" (400 rabbits) which was a pure joy to photograph :)
Plesni utripi mladih
Odprta plesna scena, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/06/2021
30. Odprta plesna scena (30th Open Dance Scene)
First night of 30th Open Dance Scene was reserved for "Plesni utripi mladih" (Youth Dance Beats) - presentation of dance miniatures of young dancers from various local dance schools and selection for Živa, the Festival of young dance creativity in Slovenia.
Bobnarski nastop Plesne izbe Maribor
Karantena, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/06/2021
Plesna izba Maribor's annual summer drummers performance
One week after the final dance performance of Plesna izba Maribor, drummers from different groups of different age and level took the venue outside of Karantena building and showed us their skills - great African rhythms made a hot summer temperature even hotter! :)
Besede Telesa - zaključna predstavitev Plesne izbe Maribor
Karantena, Maribor (Slovenia), 12/06/2021
![Besede Telesa - zaključna predstavitev Plesne izbe Maribor @ Karantena, Maribor (Slovenia), 12/06/2021 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>](/f/pics/events/huzjak-20210612-Besede_Telesa-1356-photoSasaHuzjak_m.jpg)
Besede Telesa - zaključna predstavitev Plesne izbe Maribor @ Karantena, Maribor (Slovenia), 12/06/2021
Plesna izba Maribor's annual summer dance show performance
Although was the school year 2020/21 anything but normal due to COVID-19, with a big pause in classes and regular practices for young dancers, Plesna izba Maribor decided to produce its annual summer dance performance, with the situation getting a bit better and restrictions for groups of people gathering lifting here in Slovenia.
Odprti studio za gledalce - Nagib k procesu
Minoritska cerkev, Maribor (Slovenia), 10/10/2020
Nagib is well known Maribor based society for cultural production that have been working in the field of contemporary dance for some years now. This season, they’ve organised community gathering for artists who live or work in Maribor in the field of contemporary dance...
Madame Brumowski, album recording session
Bejsmen Studio, Maribor (Slovenia)
Madame Brumowski debut album is on the way! :)
Minoritska cerkev, Maribor (Slovenia), 03/10/2020
Past weekend I had a privilege to photograph contemporary dance performance choreographed by Beno Novak and performed by the very talented girls of Plesna izba Maribor’s Š.I.K. collective.
Best of 2019 in my music related photography
My personal concerts, festivals and artist portraits favourites of the year 2019
That time of the year, yep! :) I'm proudly presenting my annual recapitulation of the past 12 months and my personal favourites from concerts, festivals and artist portraits taken in the past year :)