Saša Huzjak photography - Maribor, Slovenia
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Saša Huzjak photography - Maribor, Slovenia

Photography portfolio of Saša Huzjak - live music, festivals, concerts, shows and more!

This section has a lot more photos (from different concerts & festivals) to come.
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Kandžija i Gole žene + Tamburaši slavonske gansta krvi

Tvornica kulture, Zagreb (Croatia), 12/03/2016

Kandžija i Gole žene @ Tvornica kulture, Zagreb (Croatia), 12/03/2016 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Kandžija i Gole žene @ Tvornica kulture, Zagreb (Croatia), 12/03/2016

Last Saturday I was privileged to work with one of my new favorite bands from Croatia - Kandžija i Gole žene - shooting live promotion of their latest album (and a brilliant one it is!) called "Nema labavo" in Tvornica kulture in capital of Croatia, Zagreb. And what a gig this was! :)

31. Zimska plesna šola / 31st Winter dance school

Zimska plesna šola / Winter dance school, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/02 > 22/02/2016

African-contemporary dance with Maša Kagao Knez @ Zimska plesna šola / Winter dance school, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/02 > 22/02/2016 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

African-contemporary dance with Maša Kagao Knez @ Zimska plesna šola / Winter dance school, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/02 > 22/02/2016

Continuing our successful collaboration from the last year, I was hired again this year to document the international Winter Dance School that has been happening in Maribor for 31 years now!

MARŠ 26th birthday party with Bernays Propaganda, Nesebat & LokusPokus

Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 05/02/2016

Bernays propaganda @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 05/02/2016 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Bernays propaganda @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 05/02/2016

Happy 26th birthday Radio MARŠ! :)


Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 01/02/2016

Izolda Sorenson (Cosovel) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 01/02/2016 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Izolda Sorenson (Cosovel) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 01/02/2016

This has to be my shortest (and one of the sweetest) concert ever! :) Due to other obligations, I was late for the start and the band played around one hour, so I got only to see last few songs, sadly. Usually, I wouldn't even publish this as a blog post, since I don't feel I captured the full reportage of the concert I would like to, but since I was so delighted with the band, I'll do it anyways.

Izbin Horrorskop - zimska plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor

Dvorana Union, Maribor (Slovenia), 16/01/2016

Izbin Horrorskop - zimska plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor @ Dvorana Union, Maribor (Slovenia), 16/01/2016 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Izbin Horrorskop - zimska plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor @ Dvorana Union, Maribor (Slovenia), 16/01/2016

Plesna izba Maribor's annual winter dance show production

Second night of annual winter show production of the Maribor's dance school & dance company Plesna izba Maribor featured great dancers of all age!

Maribum Afriqui: movie screenings + Djembabe gig

Kino Udarnik, Maribor (Slovenia), 16/01/2016

Maribum Afriqui: movie screenings @ Kino Udarnik, Maribor (Slovenia), 16/01/2016 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Maribum Afriqui: movie screenings @ Kino Udarnik, Maribor (Slovenia), 16/01/2016

Movie night in Kino Udarnik in Maribor included screening of two movies which show connections & collaborations between Slovenian artists from Maribor and their colleagues in Mali, Africa.

Muribajasa - zimska bobnarska produkcija Plesne izbe Maribor

Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 15/01/2016

Muribajasa - zimska bobnarska produkcija Plesne izbe Maribor @ Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 15/01/2016 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Muribajasa - zimska bobnarska produkcija Plesne izbe Maribor @ Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 15/01/2016

Plesna izba Maribor's annual winter drummers show production

First night of annual winter show production of the Maribor's dance school & dance company Plesna izba Maribor featured great drummers and their mentors from their drummers classes.

Best of 2015 in music photography

Milena Milutinović (Repetitor) @ Bažant Pohoda festival, Trenčín (Slovakia), 2015 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Milena Milutinović (Repetitor) @ Bažant Pohoda festival, Trenčín (Slovakia), 2015

My personal concert and festivals photo favorites of the year 2015

Since I started this website in 2011, I did an annual "best of" blogpost at the end of each year, recapitulating the highlights of the year which was soon to be over. As expected, this year is the same, I’m just few days behind than usual :)


Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/12/2015

Dario Jazbec Hrvatin (Helika) @ Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/12/2015 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Dario Jazbec Hrvatin (Helika) @ Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/12/2015

Great gig of my friends Helika at the outdoor stage of Vilinsko mesto at awesome Vetrinjski dvor in the centre of Maribor, despite minus temperatures! :)


CEZAM, Ruše (Slovenia), 18/12/2015

Djembabe @ CEZAM, Ruše (Slovenia), 18/12/2015 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Djembabe @ CEZAM, Ruše (Slovenia), 18/12/2015

Like in Maribor the week before, this was another great night (to photograph & to enjoy)!


Glas podzemlja (Voice of undergound), Maribor (Slovenia), 08/12/2015

Djembabe @ Glas podzemlja (Voice of undergound), Maribor (Slovenia), 08/12/2015 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Djembabe @ Glas podzemlja (Voice of undergound), Maribor (Slovenia), 08/12/2015

Brilliant evening in an intimate atmosphere of a recording studio, full of warm music & cool people that was just what we needed in the cold winter night!

Repetitor + Rambo Amadeus

Festival Letni oder Ruše, Ruše (Slovenia), 21/08/2015

Ana-Marija Cupin (Repetitor) @ Festival Letni oder Ruše, Ruše (Slovenia), 21/08/2015 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Ana-Marija Cupin (Repetitor) @ Festival Letni oder Ruše, Ruše (Slovenia), 21/08/2015

Although I've photographed Serbian band Repetitor playing live two times this summer already, they're always a joy to watch and listen playing live, so I didn't want to miss this evening!

Izbine glasne pripovedke - letna bobnarska produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor

Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 21/06/2015

Izbine glasne pripovedke - letna bobnarska produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor @ Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 21/06/2015 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Izbine glasne pripovedke - letna bobnarska produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor @ Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor (Slovenia), 21/06/2015

Third and final part of the annual summer production of Plesna Izba Maribor  featuring their numerous and talented drummers, with a little help of some other musicians, including famous guitarist Igor Bezget and yet to be famous cello player Ariel Vei Atanasovski.

Izbine pripovedke za velike - letna plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor

Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/06/2015

Izbine pripovedke za velike - letna plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor @ Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/06/2015 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Izbine pripovedke za velike - letna plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor @ Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia), 19/06/2015

Second part (out of three!) of the annual summer production of Plesna Izba Maribor featuring their more experienced dancers!

Izbine pripovedke za male - letna plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor

Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia), 17/06/2015

Izbine pripovedke za male - letna plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor @ Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia), 17/06/2015 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Izbine pripovedke za male - letna plesna produkcija Plesne Izbe Maribor @ Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia), 17/06/2015

First part (out of three!) of the summer production of Plesna Izba Maribor featuring their youngest dancers!

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