Saša Huzjak photography - Maribor, Slovenia
Saša Huzjak photography - Maribor, Slovenia - Home page

Saša Huzjak photography - Maribor, Slovenia

Photography portfolio of Saša Huzjak - live music, festivals, concerts, shows and more!

Aljaž Tulimirović (Madame Brumowski) <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Aljaž Tulimirović (Madame Brumowski)

Madame Brumowski debut album is on the way! :)

Photos: Odprti studio za gledalce - Nagib k procesu

Minoritska cerkev, Maribor (Slovenia), 10/10/2020

Odprti studio za gledalce - Nagib k procesu <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Odprti studio za gledalce - Nagib k procesu

Nagib is well known Maribor based society for cultural production that have been working in the field of contemporary dance for some years now. This season, they’ve organised community gathering for artists who live or work in Maribor in the field of contemporary dance...

Photos: Materija

Minoritska cerkev, Maribor (Slovenia), 03/10/2020

Materija <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>


Past weekend I had a privilege to photograph contemporary dance performance choreographed by Beno Novak and performed by the very talented girls of Plesna izba Maribor’s Š.I.K. collective.

#hipstamoments 2.0

Sunday, 13/09/2020

My solo photography exhibition opens on the 16th of September in Maribor, Slovenia

My exhibition #hipstamoments 2.0 that will open this Wendsday, 16th September 2020 in Razstavišče Vetrinjski, Vetrinjska ulica 30, Maribor, Slovenia. Due to exciting times we live in (to put it mildly) and the COVID-19 restrictions, there will be no formal opening of the exhibition. It will be put on sometimes late afternoon on 16th September and it will be opened until the 30th September 2020.

Living in a box: we humans are apparently more fragile that we care to admit

Life in the time of novel coronavirus #1: first observations

Quarantine life made me to get some things out of my system I’m sure many feel the same...

Jazzy Xmas and a Rockin' 2020!

Tuesday, 24/12/2019

All the best to you and your loved ones, thank you all for your support, see you around next year! ;)

Best of 2019 in my music related photography

Aki Rahimovski (Parni Valjak) with fans @ Dvorana Mladosti, Rijeka (Croatia), 2019 <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Aki Rahimovski (Parni Valjak) with fans @ Dvorana Mladosti, Rijeka (Croatia), 2019

My personal concerts, festivals and artist portraits favourites of the year 2019

That time of the year, yep! :) I'm proudly presenting my annual recapitulation of the past 12 months and my personal favourites from concerts, festivals and artist portraits taken in the past year :)

Eleven moths after they were in my, then newly opened, photo studio for some promo photos, Koala Voice - one of my favourite bands - is back! Yep, we have a hell of a coffee here at SHtudio and people tend to come for more :)

Photos: Bazen

SNG Maribor, Mali oder, Maribor (Slovenia), 28/11/2019

Bazen <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>


Last week I was commissioned to photograph the new dance performance by Dalanda Diallo of Plesna izba Maribor titled "Bazen" ("The Pool"), which was a real joy.

Photos: Parni Valjak

Spaladium Arena, Split (Croatia), 02/11/2019

Aki Rahimovski (Parni Valjak) <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Aki Rahimovski (Parni Valjak)

Split, second largest city in Croatia was, after Šibenik and Rijeka, my third big concert working for Parni Valjak in 2019, probably the biggest rock band in the region, on their "Runda 44" tour.

Uroš Kaurin and Vito Weis are two brilliant Slovenian actors whose performance Heroj 2.0 (Hero 2.0) made quite a big impression on me and my wife Špela. I’m sad I haven’t seen the first performance (Heroj 1.0), but was very excited when I was commissioned to shoot the promotional photographs for the third performance for which we did a photoshoot in Ljubljana few weeks ago.

Photos: Parni Valjak

Dvorana Mladosti, Rijeka (Croatia), 11/10/2019

Aki Rahimovski (Parni Valjak) with fans <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Aki Rahimovski (Parni Valjak) with fans

"Runda 44" tour, marking the 44 years of the band Parni Valjak, continues and I’m very privileged to follow them as their official photographer on the biggest concerts around Croatia!

Photos: Okttober + Madame Brumowski

Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 28/09/2019

Madame Brumowski <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Madame Brumowski

A very special gig for me, for (many) personal reasons :)

Photos: Parni Valjak

Tvrđava sv. Mihovila, Šibenik (Croatia), 14/09/2019

Parni Valjak <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Parni Valjak

Parni Valjak, arguably the biggest rock band in the region, is on the "Runda 44" tour and I got hired to photograph few of their bigger concerts in Croatia — amazing venue of Tvrđava sv. Mihovila in Šibenik being the first on my list!

I was very honoured to work with Maja Logar few weeks ago! She is a pole dancer, teacher, choreographer and a founder of the pole dance school Pandora - Art of Pole...

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